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Fake News

Fake News is a growing concern. This Research Guide has been formulated to help you understand and identify Fake News in order to be a better informed citizen.

About Intention

The intention is like bias, but often more calculated. When a news outlet is biased they might not know better, and they might just assume when a story matches up with their narrative, it is true because of confirmation bias. But, news organizations can also have intent; they can purposefully print a story in an attempt to achieve a goal. Often the goal is to rationalize the actions of their political party's candidates or further their political or economic interests.

Historically, a great example of this is "yellow journalism" in the early 20th century. "Yellow journalism" generally refers to newspapers that published sensational stories, skewed facts, and outright lies to influence opinion and sell papers. For more information, see  "Yellow Journalism" by Cleveland Ferguson III. 

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