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Holy family university: Research at the Library

Newspaper Subscriptions

Patrons have free access to all the content of the New York Times (NYT). Patrons need to create an account through the library databases page. Once there, scroll down to New York Times Online and create an account using your Holy Family email address. When patrons first sign up, they must do so from the university website. After that, patrons will be able to access from anywhere--even their mobile devices.

For those who already have an account set up, please note that accounts will have to renew access once every year. 

Happy Reading!


Patrons have free access to all the content of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). To gain access, begin on the library databases page. Once there, scroll down to Wall Street Journal and sign in using your Holy Family email address. Patrons must use the university's website every time in order to authenticate their account and gain access to WSJ articles. 

Publication Finder

Library Services

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Library Staff
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9801 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19114
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Library Hours University Archives Phone: 267-341-3315