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Citing Sources: Academic Integrity & Plagiarism

What is Plagiarism?

"Plagiarism" is presenting someone else's work as your own.

You are probably familiar with this concept. However, did you know there are different types of plagiarism? We usually associate plagiarism with intentionally cheating and trying to take credit for something that is not our own work. However, sometimes we might plagiarize without being aware of it.

Intentional plagiarism:

  • knowingly cheating or intentionally presenting someone else's ideas, research, words as your own.

Unintentional plagiarism:

  • not giving proper credit for someone else's ideas, research, or words, even if it was not intentional to present them as your own.

Learn more about Intentional & Unintentional Plagiarism or see our Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.

Academic Integrity Policy

Plagiarism is subject to the same penalties as other forms of cheating. Penalties for academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, range from failing an assignment to expulsion from the university. Holy Family's Academic Integrity Policy is described on page 22 of the HFU Student Handbook.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or do not understand how to complete your assignment correctly, ask for help! Remember, this is a learning process, and there are many resources available to help you along the way.

Check out our Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.

Larger Consequences: Why is it Wrong?

We've all been taught that cheating is wrong, and we all know that it is wrong to take credit for someone else's ideas and present them as our own. However, there are larger consequences we must consider if plagiarism of any kind were to be tolerated at Holy Family University.

Why does Holy Family University insist on original work from all students?

1. It's unfair not to.

Most students put lots of effort and hard work into earning their grades and their academic credits by preparing well for tests and completing quality assignments. It is not fair to give the same grades and credit to students who have not also done so.

2. It's not just about schoolwork.

Research papers, for example, teach students essential career and life skills, such as thinking critically, expressing oneself effectively, and drawing independent conclusions. Skipping the steps that build these skills deprives students of a crucial piece of their total education. Furthermore, cheating in any form violates Holy Family's core values of integrity, learning, and service and responsibility. We have failed in our Mission if we do not graduate students who uphold these values.

3. Your degree's reputation is on the line.

Cheating scandals diminish a school's reputation. We want potential employers to be impressed with a Holy Family diploma, not suspicious of it--don't you? That is why, for the sake of all of our current and future graduates, Holy Family refuses to turn a blind eye toward or downplay the seriousness of any academic dishonesty.

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