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Research Help: Identifying Resources & Creating Your Search Strategy

Learn about the research process, choosing and defining a topic, searching for the best information from library resources and on the web, and more.

Identify Resources and Determine Where to Search

Once you have defined your topic and collected some keywords/search terms, determine which resources to consult. Create a search strategy by determining what information you need and where you will search for it. Choose resources based on the type of information you need and the resources required for your assignment. Keep track of sources you have consulted; managing your sources as you go along makes it much easier to compile your reference/works cited list later.  Click on a source type below for more information:


Books can be found on virtually any topic and written for any audience! They may be available in print or electronic format.

Search for books in the Library Catalog

General information

  • Some books provide general information and facts on a topic. This could include basic history, science, or anything! Examples include many of your textbooks.

Specialized information

  • The library collects books that focus on specialized topics so that you have resources to use as supplements to your textbook readings when doing research projects. For example, we may not have the newest Psychology textbooks, but we do have lots of books that focus entirely on specific psychological disorders, psychological therapies, etc. Use these books when you need a lot of information on a topic.

Opposing Viewpoints or Pro/Con

  • Some books are more clearly written from a particular perspective. Just as you are writing from your own point of view, authors of books are doing the same thing. While the library staff carefully select books that are well-researched, you should still be aware that authors will write from their own perspective.
  • When researching a pro/con paper or researching an issue that is very polarized, look for information from multiple sides of the argument. This may mean looking at several different books. The library also collects several series that address popular issues from multiple sides of the debate within each book. Popular series include Opposing Viewpoints, Global Viewpoints, Issues on Trial, and Perspectives on Diseases and Disorders.       

Periodicals: Journals, Magazines, & Newspapers

Periodicals are published at regular intervals throughout the year. A single periodical title will include many issues. Typically, several issues are published each year. A periodical issue will often include a volume number and/or issue number to help identify that particular issue. Periodicals may be published in print or electronic format.

Each issue contains articles written by different authors about different topics. Search for articles in the Research Databases.


  • Journal articles contain scholarly research and are written by scholars who specialize in a particular field of study. Journal articles focus on very specific topics. (Example: You will not find basic symptoms of autism in a journal article, but you may find a specific study evaluating the effect of play therapy on the development of social skills in children with autism.) 
  • Use journals to find scholarly research, original research studies, and literature reviews. Peer-reviewed articles are reviewed by a board of fellow scholars before they can be published.

Trade Publications

  • Trade publications are published by professional organizations for their members. The articles are written by practitioners in that field and include trends, strategies, and news about a specific profession. Generally, trade publications are not peer-reviewed.


  • Magazine articles contain general interest and/or news information. Magazine articles are written by journalists, and they are intended for a general audience. Use magazines to find popular or general interest information.


  • Newspaper articles contain up-to-date information about current events. Newspaper articles are written by journalists, and they are intended for a general audience. Use newspapers to find local information and current events.

Reference Books: Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, etc.

Use reference books when you are not yet familiar with a topic and need to find some basic facts or background information. Reference books contain short, concise entries on a variety of topics. The information you find in reference books may give you some ideas for searching other resources as you explore your topic in more detail.

Example: A short reference book entry might mention a type of therapy used to help children with autism. You might then search the Library Catalog for books that explain the therapy in more detail. You might also search the research databases to find journal articles that have published research studies using the therapy.

Reference books are published in print and electronic formats. Search for reference books in the Library Catalog or browse them in the Reference section of the library. 

Encyclopedias contain factual articles covering a variety of subjects. The articles provide a brief overview of the topic. Encyclopedia articles may include the fact that competing points of view exist on a topic, but they are not written from a particular point of view.

  • General encyclopedias contain short entries on a very wide variety of topics. (Example: Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • Subject encyclopedias limit entries to a specific subject area. (Examples: Encyclopedia of Religion, Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology)

Dictionaries contain definitions of words and terms.

  • General dictionaries include definitions of words used in a particular language.
  • Subject dictionaries include definitions of terminology used in a particular subject area or profession.

There are many other types of reference books, all available in our reference collections. Examples include:

  • Handbooks
  • Manuals
  • Directories
  • Almanacs
  • Atlases


Use the following criteria to evaluate the credibility of information you find on the Web. (Ask your professor if you are allowed to cite websites in your paper before you start your research.)

Authority: What are the author's qualifications for writing on the subject?

Accuracy: How reliable and free from error is the information?

Objectivity: Is the information presented with a minimum of bias?

Currency: Is the information current, and can you tell when it was published?

Check the domain (.com, .edu, .gov, .org, etc.). Some domains are restricted to certain types of organizations while others may be bought or sold by anyone. .edu & .gov are limited to educational and government organizations. There are no limitations on .com & .org. Always be aware of who is publishing the website and where the content is coming from.

See more about doing research on the Web.

Primary vs. Secondary

The distinction between a primary source and a secondary source is important because it is the distinction between an original source vs. a source that interprets other original sources.

Primary Sources --Primary sources are original documents, original objects, first-hand accounts. Examples include speeches, diaries, letters, interviews, photographs, original literature, and autobiographies. Journal articles are considered primary sources when they report the findings of original research by the original researcher(s).

Secondary Sources--Secondary sources are interpretations of primary sources. They are a step removed because someone else is interpreting, analyzing, and/or drawing conclusions from the original source. Examples include most books, journal articles that analyze previous research studies, literary criticisms, and encyclopedias. 

How do I know if a journal is peer-reviewed?

Peer review is a formal process in publishing in which experts in a field, who are part of a journal's editorial board, evaluate and review an article before it is accepted for publication in a scholarly and academic journal. 

The best way to find out if a journal is peer-reviewed is to check the editorial policy of the journal itself - generally found in the front or back of the journal. If you are searching online, you can sometimes locate the publishing information about a journal by clicking on the journal name in a database.

Generally, journals are not published monthly, include words like "journal, research, or quarterly" in the title, and cover one subject area (for instance, Journal of Special Education). 

Generally, articles in peer-reviewed journals look scholarly and academic; are lengthy; contain charts, graphs, and statistics; include in-text citations and a list of references; include the author's credentials (their degrees and where they are affiliated). 

There are many different types of publications referred to and in full text in our databases. See the handout above for more information about differentiating between types of publications and the peer review process.

When in doubt ask a librarian or email your faculty member!

Search Strategies

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