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                                        Searching for Print Books!                                          Searching for eBooks!

Locating Print Books

Searching for materials at Holy Family is easy! To locate books:

On the Library page, click the Print Book icon.

  1. Enter a book title or group of words that describe your topic
  2. Once you find the item you need, click for more details and the item record will appear.
  3. Please note the item's location and call number to locate the item within the Library.
  4. Patrons can also place the item on "hold" which will hold the item for patrons to pick up at the front information desk at a later time.

Locating eBooks

You can use the library catalog to search for eBooks as well.

Here are the step-by-step instructions. For visual guides please refer to the PDF attached below:

  1. Begin on the Library Website
  2. Click on the Library Catalog tab
  3. Search your book title (make sure to include as much of the full title as possible to find better results)
  4. Within the results look for your book that has the PDF icon listed.
  5. Select the PDF link and your book should display.
    • To save for future use/access, make sure to save the item's "permalink" (not the website URL)

Popular eBooks Databases

Holy Family subscribes to a limited number of eBooks; not every book in our collection is available as an eBook. 

You can search individual collections of ebooks through their links on the Research Databases page:

  • eBooks through Ebsco --eBooks can be viewed online or downloaded for a one-week checkout period
  • Ovid - once logged in, click on "books" at the top of the screen to view selected nursing and medical books
  • PsycBOOKS--ebooks can be viewed online

Once you choose a database, log in with your Holy Family Canvas credentials.

Downloading eBooks

eBook Collection (EBSCO), our collection of over 7,000 eBooks, can now be downloaded (or "checked out") to your personal computer. View the tutorial for more information or this step-by-step guide.

You do not have to download eBooks in order to view them. Just as you can view a print book in the library without checking it out, you can still view an eBook online if it has not already been checked out by someone else. To view the eBook online without downloading it, click "eBook Full Text".

How to Checkout an eBook:


Search for an item in eBooks on EBSCOhost, and click "Full download". You will need to create and log into your "My EBSCO" account. The system will walk you through the checkout (download) process. Enjoy your eBook! After the checkout period (7 days), the eBook will no longer appear on your computer or portable device.

Many of the eBooks allow for multiple users at once, but there are a few that limits the number of users. If someone has checked out an eBook and it is unavailable to other users until the checkout period is over, you may place a hold on an eBook and you will be notified when it is available.

  • The checkout period is 7 days
  • 5 eBooks may be checked out at one time
  • 5 Holds per user at one time

eBooks cannot be downloaded to Holy Family University computers. If you would like to view an eBook on any public computer, simply click "eBook Full Text". You can view the entire eBook online if no one else has checked it out, but it will not be downloaded or checked out to you. Please note that due to copyright restrictions, you will be unable to print the entire book.

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