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APA 7: Articles

Special Formatting Rules

  • Capitalize all significant words in the title of a journal, magazine, newsletter, or newspaper.

  • Italicize the title of the journal, magazine, or newspaper 

  • Always include the issue number for a periodical if available. For example, 34(2) *This is new! *

  • Some journals use an article number instead of the page number range. When citing article numbers, use the word Article (capitalize the A) in front of the number. For example Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, 5(1), Article 30048.

  • When including DOI numbers, use the updated format even if the DOI is listed differently on the original *This is new! *

  • DO NOT include the phrase “Retrieved from” before the URL *This is new! *

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Journal article, up to 21 authors, DOI available obtained from research databases, online, or in print

Wood, C. (2020). Infections without borders: A new coronavirus in Wuhan, China. British Journal of Nursing, 29(3),


Journal article, up to 20 authors, NO DOI, from Holy Family’s research databases or in print

Manocchia, A. (2020). Telehealth: Enhancing care through technology. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 103(1), 18–20.

Journal article, NO DOI, retrieved from the web

Wessel-Powell, C., Buchholz, B. A., Rust, J., Husbye, N. E., & Vander Zanden, S. (2020). The promise of slow reading.

     Educational Leadership, 77(5), 32-37. 


Journal article with an Article Number, no page numbers

Lindahl, J. F., & Grace, D. (2015). The consequences of human actions on risks for infectious diseases: A review. Infection

     Ecology & Epidemiology, 5(1), Article 30048.

Magazine article without a DOI obtained from Holy Family’s research databases or in print

Birnbaum, M. (2019, December 16). Why you should teach your kids to cook. Time Magazine, 194(26), 40.

For magazines, include the complete date in the reference list, not just year. For the in-text citation, only use the YEAR not the entire date  – (Birnbaum, 2019)

Magazine article without a DOI retrieved from a magazine’s website

Rosen, R. J. (2013, October). Violence is contagious: What goes around really does come around.

     The Atlantic.


Volume, issue, and page numbers may not be available; if they are, include them as in the Birnbaum example above. For the in-text citation, only use the YEAR not the entire date – (Rosen, 2013)

Newspaper article from a database or in print copy

Barkowitz, E. (2019, September 2). Sports betting: New Jersey bookie offering season-long NFL contest that is a little

     different. Philadelphia Inquirer. C1.

For the in-text citation, only use the YEAR not the entire date  – (Barkowitz, 2019)       

Newspaper article retrieved from a newspaper’s website

Barkowitz, E. (2019, September 1). Sports betting: New Jersey bookie offering season-long NFL

     content that is a little different.

If citing a news site such as CNN, see “Citing a Webpage on a News Website”

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Neal, N., & Barton Wright, P. (2003). Validation therapy for dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

If you refer to the Cochrane database in the text of your paper, don’t write it in italics.

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