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All citations in MLA style follow the same basic format, although the elements for each item may vary. When you locate resources, make a habit of recording all the elements needed to cite a source. Start with the most specific elements. Note what “container,” or larger source, the element is associated with. (For example, an article is an element in a journal “container.” MLA no longer requires specific notation as to whether or not a source is a print or web format, but you will include, in your citation, information for online retrieval where applicable.
Note- Access Dates while helpful have been downgraded to an optional edition to your citation
Elements of a Basic Citation
1. WHO is the author of article, chapter, web page |
2. WHAT is the title of article, chapter, web page |
3. WHAT is the title of container (journal name, book title, website) |
4. WHO are other contributors if any (editor of book) |
5. Version (edition if any) |
6. Number (volume and issue of article) |
7. Publisher |
8. Publication date |
9. Location (includes page numbers. Place |
10. Online information: web address or doi |
11. Date of access for web/online sources |
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